C-Booster - British Biologicals


C-Booster is a supplement that helps to restore the natural deficiency of Vitamin C in the body and also boosts immunity. Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) also contains antioxidant properties that help maintain healthy skin, teeth, bone, and blood vessels. 

  1. Helps to prevent and treat vitamin C deficiency.
  2. Protects the body from harmful effects of free radicals, pollutants, and toxins.
  3. Boosts the immune response of the body to infections.
  4. Improves bones & skin by promoting the formation of collagen
  5. Promotes wound healing and skin repair
  6. Enhances iron absorption

  1. Vitamin C deficiency
  2. Low Immunity
  3. Diabetes
  4. Stroke
  5. Heart diseases
  6. Ophthalmic diseases

Vitamin C – 500 mg

One or two tablets per day, as directed by your Physician.

Net Qty
30 tablets
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